After graduating@from the Kunitachi College of Music, Kitakyushu-born Machiko Tomotani spent
two years studying a Paris,at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris,from
1974 to 1976. While inFrance, Ms Tomotani appeared in concerts organized
by the Euro-Japanische Gesellschaft,and in 1979 took part in a summer master
class at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana inSienna,ItalyMs Tomotani gave
recitals in Tokyo,Hirosima in 1978,1980,1989,1993,2002,2003,and took part
in chamber music concerts in Tokyo, Hiroshima and Kitakyushu in 1995 and
1997,the1997 concert funded by the Yasuko Yamada Fund through the Japan
Federation of Musicians. Also in 1997, Ms Tomotani took part in an NHK
radiogFM Recitalh,and also
regularly takes part in both solo and ensemble concerts and lecture concerts
held by the Japan Society for Contemporary Music, the Japan Federation of
Composers, as well as appearances in Seoul and Taejon in the International Festival of Comtemporary Music.@In2006A CDgMachiko Tomotani plays Debussy&Satiehwas relersed. Ms Tomotani has studied under Kazuko Nagatomi,Naoyuki Inoue,Reine Gianoli and Jorg Demus.At present ,she is a visiting Lecturer at theHiroshimaBunkagakuenn University.
Ms Tomotani is a member of the Japan Federation of Musicians.